Break the Silence – 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

Family and intimate partner violence – It happens mostly to women, and it threatens their basic right to live free of violence.

Intimate partner violence is any pattern of behaviour that’s used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. It includes all physical, sexual, emotional, economic, and psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person.

Intimate partner violence is an epidemic in Peel

It’s a widespread and growing public health concern and instances of violence are also more severe. Violence and abuse can lead to poor physical and mental health, serious injuries and even homicide. On June 22, 2023 Peel Region Council declared intimate partner violence epidemic in Peel

In 2023, Peel police responded to just over 16,000 incidents of family and intimate partner violence. That’s 44 disputes every day or almost 2 every hour. That’s just what gets reported as most incidents are not reported.

Break the silence

Let’s continue the conversation about family and intimate partner violence and work together to stop violence and abuse in all forms.

The signs of violence and abuse

Violence and abuse can take many forms, such as:

  • Physical (hitting, pushing, strangulation, confining, or grabbing).
  • Psychological or emotional (put-downs, name-calling, threats, blackmail or manipulation).
  • Digital or technological (tracking location, social media harassment or threats made over text or messaging apps).
  • Sexual (forcing or coercing someone to engage in sexual acts or sharing intimate photos without consent).
  • Economic (limiting or withholding income and someone’s ability to make financial decisions, keeping someone from taking on paid work).
  • Spiritual or religious (belittling or limiting someone’s ability to take part in spiritual or religious activities).
  • Stalking or harassment (following someone, showing up uninvited, constant emails, phone calls or online harassment)

Misconceptions about family and intimate partner violence

There are many incorrect ideas about intimate partner violence. As a community, we can help by learning more.  Learn more about how to get help.

Myth: There’s no one to help me 

Fact: There are many services in the community that you can trust to seek the support you need. The services are confidential and will protect your privacy. While it can be scary to get help, experienced crisis workers can help you deal with an abusive situation.

Myth: What I’m experiencing isn’t abuse

Fact: Abuse can take many forms, like emotional, psychological, digital or technological, physical, verbal, sexual and financial. Name calling, unwanted physical and sexual contact, tracking your location and controlling money are some examples of abuse.

Myth: It’s my fault. I caused the abuse

Fact: It is never your fault if you are experiencing abuse. Whether it happens once or often, abuse is unacceptable and illegal.

Myth: It’s better for my children if the family stays together

Fact: Children who live in situations of family violence are at serious risk for short and long-term physical and mental health problems. Children who witness violence between parents may also be at a greater risk of experiencing violence in their future relationships.

Myth: It’s easy to leave an abusive relationship

Fact: It can take up to 7 tries to leave an abusive situation. There are many reasons why victims of violence remain in an abusive relationship. Survivors of abuse may feel isolated and trapped, making it difficult to get help.

Myth: Abuse only happens in certain cultures

Fact: Anyone can experience abuse regardless of their age, cultural background, religion, sexual orientation, gender, social status, or job. Violence and abuse are never acceptable or excusable.

Myth: Abuse isn’t a health issue

Fact: Intimate partner violence is a public health crisis. Common health consequences can be physical (bruises or fractures), mental (depression or poor self-esteem), sexual (sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy complications) and behavioural (substance abuse).

Myth: Abuse is a private matter

Fact: Abuse is a community matter. It can impact survivors’ children, family members and friends. Learning the signs of abuse and how you can help is a shared responsibility.


If you are experiencing violence or abuse, access these free supports at any time:

211 Central
211 or 1-877-330-3213
The 24/7 service is offered in more than 150 languages, by phone, chat, text, and web. 211 helps connect people to the right information and services, making their pathway to care and resources a guided and trusted one.

Embrave 24/7 Crisis Line
905-403-0864 or 1-855-676-8515
The 24/7 Crisis Support Line provides immediate support to survivors in the community experiencing any form of violence. Clients define and identify their needs and what types of supports they want to access such as immediate crisis support and intervention, risk assessment and safety planning, emotional support, referrals to other services, information-sharing, problem-solving and intake into the Shelter Program.

Victim Services of Peel
The 24/7 Crisis Line provides immediate support to survivors in the community through services such as crisis intervention, financial assistance and services, access to safe housing, court bail resources, and referral to other long-term support services.

Caledon\Dufferin Victim Services
The 24/7 Crisis Line provides immediate support to survivors, family members or witnesses in the community through services such as crisis intervention, safety planning, and needs assessment. We provide access to support, information, and referral to other long-term support services as required. Enhanced support for vulnerable victims and assistance with applications for the VQRP+ program are also available.

Family Transition Place (FTP)
519-941-HELP (4357), 905-584-HELP (4357), 1-800-265-9178 or text 519-278-5410
A counsellor is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through FTP’s Crisis Support Line. FTP supports individuals and families from Dufferin and Caledon requiring legal, housing and/or counselling services and resources. FTP also provides emergency shelter to women (16+) and their children dealing with violence and homelessness. FTP’s main office and emergency shelter is located in Orangeville, with satellite offices in both Bolton and Shelburne.

Assaulted Women’s Helpline 
The 24/7 Helpline offers anonymous and confidential support to all women in the province of Ontario who have experienced any form of abuse.

Naseeha Mental Health
Naseeha Mental Health provides a variety of mental health services, including a 24/7 toll-free helpline that offers anonymous and confidential support in different languages through call, text, or chat across North America. Naseeha also offers free psychoeducational workshops and short-term virtual therapy to eligible individuals. While Naseeha serves the Muslim community, services are provided to anyone seeking support.

Creating a safety plan
Whether you are currently experiencing violence, thinking about leaving a violent situation or relationship, or have already left a violent situation, this guide will provide you with some strategies you can implement for yourself.

Finding shelter
If you are fleeing violence or abuse, or are planning to, supports are available including emergency and transitional shelters, street outreach, support services and help to find permanent housing.

Legal Aid
You may apply for Legal Aid to pay for your lawyer to represent you free of charge or at a reduced rate if you qualify.

Ontario Works
If you do not have enough money for food and housing, you can apply for financial and employment assistance.

Peel programs for families and children

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence or abuse, these free programs are available in Peel:

Catholic Family Services of Peel/Dufferin
The Helping End Abuse for Life (HEAL) program is a child witness program that offers psychoeducation, counselling services, case management supports, warm referrals to appropriate services (e.g., shelter, settlement agencies, child protection, mental health) and advocacy supports for women and children who are exposed to family and intimate partner violence. The HEAL program is a part of the HEAL Network which is 20-agency collaboration led by Catholic Family Services Peel Dufferin to support mothers and children who are experiencing intimate partner and family violence. Book a HEAL intake assessment.

Family Services of Peel
Children of all ages who have experiences or witnessed violence can access individual counselling in a supportive and child friendly environment with or without parental/guardian consent depending on their age.

Nisa Homes
Nisa Homes provides transitional housing for immigrant, refugee, non-status or Muslim women and children fleeing abuse or homelessness and remote casework support for any women needing support. Apply for housing  or call 1-888-456-8043. For free mental health counselling, call Nisa Helpline at 1-888-711-6472, an anonymous helpline resource, available 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Peel Children’s Aid Society
Peel Children’s Aid Society protects children from abuse and neglect and helps parents and caregivers build healthy families. CAS also works with families who may be facing challenges such as poverty, unemployment, ill health, domestic violence, mental health issues. If you are concerned about a child or youth, call to start a confidential conversation with a trained Advice and Assessment Worker.

Peel Committee Against Woman Abuse Resources
A comprehensive list of resources available in Peel for survivors of violence and their families.

Safe Centre of Peel
The Safe Centre of Peel offers support and compassionate care to families affected by intimate partner violence in Peel. Over 17 agencies work together at one location to provide services such as individualized safety planning, counselling, settlement and immigration services, access to police reporting (if required), transitional housing supports, family court support and more.

Support for seniors

Community resources
A list of community resources to get help for older adults and seniors experiencing abuse or violence.

Peel Elder Abuse Support Program
Provides direct support to seniors who have been exploited, abused, and/or are experiencing challenges and struggles associated with abuse, neglect and aging.

Seniors Safety Line
1-866-299-1011 or 1-866-299-0008
24/7 crisis and support line for seniors in Ontario who have experienced any type of abuse or neglect. Callers receive emotional support, safety planning, information and referrals in over 200 languages.

Understanding elder abuse
Learn about the types of elder abuse.


Brampton and Mississauga

  • Peel Police laid 617 intimate partner violence strangulation charges in 2023.
  • Peel Police reported that the highest number of 2023 mobile dispatched calls for service are family and intimate partner violence related.
  • Of the charges that were laid in 2023 for intimate partner violence related incidents, 79% of the victims were women.
  • There were 6 family and intimate partner homicides in Peel Region in 2022.


  • In 2023, 76% of the victims of intimate partner violence disputes and family disputes were women.
  • There were 11 intimate partner sexual assaults reported in Caledon in 2023.
  • Between 2020 and 2023, there was a 29.9% increase in the rate of intimate partner disputes and family disputes reported to Caledon OPP.

As an organization that supports residents in Peel, we are proud to work with the Region of Peel and other community partners to bring awareness to family & intimate partner violence. Let’s talk about it, challenges misconceptions and share resources:
