
At maturity, the OHT will deliver on its goal for the community to provide comprehensive, coordinated care for all patients. Learn more about how patients are shaping the work of the OHT by reading our Declaration of Values.

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Multi-ethnic people having counseling during group therapy meeting at community center.

Join the Central West OHT Patient Family Advisory Council

Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values


Community members are involved in the work of the OHT in a number of ways, including participating on OHT working groups, becoming members of the CW OHT Patient Family Advisory Council, and completing interviews/surveys to shape the work of the OHT. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.

Your feedback is important in shaping the future of health care in the CW OHT catchment area. Please click the link below to complete a feedback form. A member of the CW OHT team will get back to you within 3-5 business days.

To learn more about the CW OHT, please click on the contact us button below:

To find more information about the eligibility criteria for COVID-19 tests and vaccines, or how to book a COVID-19 test or vaccine, please visit the links below.

If you need help navigating your care, contact your family doctor or nurse practitioner. If you do not have a family doctor, please contact Home and Community Care Support Services- Central West at 905-796-0040; Toll Free: 1-888-733-1177 or 310-2222.

Please note that no specific medical or clinical care questions submitted through the website will be responded to.

The CW OHT covers Brampton, North Etobicoke, West Woodbridge, Malton and Bramalea.

Boundaries Map

Right now, there will be no changes to your care. You will continue to access care the way you do currently, whether that is through community services, your doctor, or the hospital. As OHTs are formed – which will be an ongoing process over several years until provincial coverage is achieved – patients will be able to more easily access and navigate the system and be better supported as they transition from one provider or setting to another.

OHTs are groups of providers and organizations that, at maturity, will be clinically and fiscally accountable for delivering a full and coordinated continuum of care to a defined population. OHTs are being introduced to provide a new way of organizing and delivering care that is more connected to patients in their local communities. Under OHTs, health care providers (including hospitals, doctors/nurse practitioners and home and community care providers) work as one coordinated team – no matter where they provide care.

OHTs are aligned with the Quadruple Aim, which is an internationally-recognized framework that designs and delivers an effective health care system. The four objectives of the Quadruple Aim are:

1. Improving the patient and caregiver experience;

2. Improving the health of populations;

3. Reducing the per capita cost of health care; and,

4. Improving the work life of providers.

OHTs were designed by the Ontario government as a way to build a connected health care system centred on patients, families and caregivers. These changes will strengthen local services, making it easier for patients to navigate the system and transition between providers. Right now, there are 54 OHTs in the province.
