Central West Ontario Health Team (CW OHT) fully adopts the Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values for Ontario (PFCDOV).
The CW OHT Patient Family Advisor Council (PFAC) reached out to the Central West community to hear what they expect from a fully integrated system of healthcare and what they value most. The community spoke and we listened. Their unique perspective is reflected in the CW OHT Patient Family Caregiver Declaration of Values (PDF Version), which is built upon the foundation of the provincial PFCDOV. In the context of people-centred care, we heard from our community the essential human expectations for compassionate communication, accessibility, safety, health, quality of care, efficiency and connection.
These fundamental needs are consistent with those values referenced within the provincial PFCDOV yet spoken through the voices of the patients, clients, families, caregivers and communities we serve. It represents the various health care providers, community workers and leaders that we partner with to create the future system of care that delivers our CW OHT Values of being Innovative, Compassionate, Accountable, Responsive and Equitable (ICARE).
Respect and Dignity
- Be welcoming, courteous and introduce yourself and your role
- Know me as a person – not a diagnosis or a role
- Listen actively, engage with me and respect my time
- Reduce duplication of effort
Empathy and Compassion
- Walk in my shoes
- Build safety, trust, and confidence
- Create relationships versus interactions
- Be human
Accountability and Transparency
- Own the answer
- Honour privacy and confidentiality
- Be present, informed, and aware of expectations
- Trust your intuition, experience, and knowledge
Partnership and Trust
- Share decision making, recognize and value everyone’s expertise and time
- Build bridges towards mutual goals
- Create common language that is easy to share and understand
- Let’s learn together
Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Discrimination
- Recognize that we all have unique and diverse needs and preferences
- Ask about and share how social issues are impacting health and quality of life
- Reflect on unconscious bias and stigma
- Advocate for equitable and fair access to services and care