Patient Family Advisory Council Recruitment


  • Former patient/ caregiver in CW OHT area (Brampton, North Etobicoke, West Woodbridge, Bramalea, or Malton);
  • Comfortable speaking in English within a group and interacting with others;
  • Able to generate ideas and build consensus on integrated approaches to managing health care;
  • Able to maintain confidentiality of patient and organizational information;
  • Not in a position of employment within health care; and
  • Able to send a completed vulnerable sector check form.

Patient/Family/Caregiver Partner Application

Focusing on our main goal, to engage and empower patients/ clients, families, and caregivers in helping shape their local health care system, the CW OHT Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is expanding its membership.

Join us to share your healthcare stories, opinions and lived experience to make a positive impact on healthcare in our community. Your experiences as a patient, caregiver, or family member are essential in shaping our healthcare initiatives and together we can create diverse and inclusive programs and services within the CW OHT.



If this opportunity matches your interest and experience, please submit the following:

-Brief cover letter
-Completed application form

The CW OHT is committed to an inclusive, barrier-free process and providing equal opportunities to all applicants. If you require any accommodations, please contact us by email at [email protected] or by calling 416 – 560 – 1396 between 9 AM and 5 PM. We thank all applicants. There will be follow-up communication with any applicant that will be offered an interview.

You can also access a PDF version of the Position Description and Application.

PFAC Application Form

Are you a paid employee of a health care related agency?
If “yes,” please pause on completing the rest of the application as we are only looking for those candidates who do not have other means to make change within the health care system and related services. We thank you for your interest in wanting to be a volunteer and encourage you to consider other volunteer opportunities.
Which of the following best describes you? Please check all that apply.
What part of the health care system have you experienced? Please check all that apply.
Please indicate your experience in the following areas. If “yes”, please provide a brief description of your background and experience.

