Our partners are working together to provide better coordinated care for the community by leading many innovative programs and services as outlined in our FY24/25 Annual Business Plan. Some of the programs and services available to better support our community are outlined below:
CARE Program
What is the CARE Program?
CARE stands for Coordinated, Accessible, Respectful, Equitable.
The CARE program designed to provide older persons experiencing frailty with short-term care and support by a health care team in their home. The care team includes a doctor, nurse, and a home care coordinator. This service may also include other health care providers and staff from community agencies based on the patient’s needs.
What are the goals of the CARE Program?
- Support people to remain in their home as they require additional medical care.
- Encouraging people to live independently
- Support friend and family caregivers
- Answer questions and address their fears and worries
- Link people to supports in the community
- Make sure information is shared within the CARE Program team
- Reduce the number of times people may need to go to a hospital emergency department
What services are available from the CARE Program?
After completing an initial assessment, the CARE Team will then work with the patient to create a care plan together. Once the care plan is created, the patient’s care is provided in their home by the CARE Program doctor, nurse or any other community agencies or homecare as needed. More details are available in the question-and-answer document here.
Eligible for the CARE Program?
Eligibility for referral to the CARE program includes all of the following:
- Age 65 years or older.
- Have difficulty in completing at least one daily activity (such as bathing or showering, dressing, going to the washroom, walking, and eating or enjoying hobbies or interests).
- Have difficulty leaving the home to attend medical appointments.
- Home postal code begins with L6P, L6R, L6S, L6T, L6V, L6W, L6X, L6Y, L6Z, L7A, M9R, M9V, or M9W. Note: provision of the Care Program services are limited to these locations.
Referral Information for Providers:
- The CARE Program is currently not accepting referrals widely as the program will be opening in a phased approach.