Families & Caregivers

Bereavement Support
Bereavement programs provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information, and guidance for people who have recently lost a loved one. Included are counselling programs and mutual support groups for widows and widowers, children who have lost a parent, parents who have lost a child, and other people who are grieving.

CANES Community Care
CANES Community Care is a not-for-profit organization that assists clients with tasks in the home, providing emotional and social support, while helping seniors take part in the life of their community.

Child and Youth Community Health Programs
This section lists programs and services providing health care services to children and youth.

Children and Parenting
Services listed promote the health and well-being of parents and the children in their care; others focus on pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal care for expecting mothers or for those welcoming an adoptive child into their lives.

Easter Seals Ontario
Easter Seals Ontario is dedicated to helping children and youth with physical disabilities carve their own path into the world, with assurance and autonomy. They help provide support for families through education, programs, equipment funding, an Incontinence Supplies Grant and more.

ESS Support Services
ESS Support Services supports older adults, seniors, older adults with disabilities, families and caregivers in the Etobicoke community. They offer a diverse range of high-quality services and accredited programs designed to support the independence, social well being and health of our clients, along with a helping hand and respite for their families and caregivers.

Fertility Services
Fertility services provide diagnostic and treatment services for people unable to conceive children, or who require fertility preservation.

Heart House Hospice
Heart House Hospice helps care for people with life limiting illnesses and their families living in the Brampton and Mississauga. Hospice counsellors, engagement coordinator, health and wellness coordinator, spiritual and bereavement team and volunteers offer care and support for you and your family in your own home.

Home and Community Care Support Services
Coordinate in-home and community-based care for patients. If you do not have a family doctor, please contact 310-2222; Toll Free: 1-888-733-1177

Indus Community Services
Indus Community Services provides culturally appropriate services to newcomers, families, women, and seniors.

Ontario Caregiver Organization
The Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) exists to support Ontario’s 3.3 million caregivers; ordinary people who provide physical and/or emotional support to a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour.

Other Caregiver Supports
A caregiver is someone who looks after a sick, frail or disabled relative, friend, or neighbour. Supportive programs and services are available to help caregivers cope with their responsibilities and may include self-help, informal counselling, recreation and resources.

Peel Senior Link
Peel Senior Link, a non-profit charitable organization established in 1991, provides personal care & home-making services. Peel Senior Link maximizes independent living helping seniors live with dignity, stability, and safety.

Punjabi Community Health Services (PCHS)
PCHS has a mandate to provide health, settlement and social services to diverse communities in Greater Toronto Area. Offering mental health and addictions, geriatric, settlement, child, youth and family services.

Respite Care
Provides caregivers with temporary rest options that may include substitute living arrangements in a supported environment or in-home care.

Richview Community Care Services Corporation (RCCSC)
A customized and decorated two-bedroom apartment which provides intensive personal support as transitional care (a bridge) from hospital to home.

Roots Community Services
Roots Community Services Inc. provides culturally-sensitive and culturally-enriching programs to the Black, African and Caribbean communities in the Region of Peel. Programs are geared toward children aged 6 years to seniors.

Support for People with Disabilities
This section offers a directory of services which support people living with intellectual or physical disabilities; for families and caregivers as well as individuals.

The Dorothy Ley Hospice
The Dorothy Ley Hospice was founded over 30 years ago to offer compassionate care to people living with a life limiting illness, their family and caregivers.