I Have a Crisis

NOTE: If this is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest Emergency Department.

Crisis Support Peel Dufferin is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has access to a language interpretation service with over 160 languages. Call: 1-888-811-2222

CMHA Logo Icon
24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin

If you are in a mental health crisis stay safe by getting help. 24.7 Crisis Support Peel Dufferin is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has access to a language interpretation service with over 160 languages. For non-crisis information and referrals, please contact: 905-451-2123 or 1-877-451-2123.


A free, secure and confidential service Ontarians can access 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive health advice from a registered nurse by calling 811 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007), chatting online or navigating to Ontario.ca/health811.

Hope 24/7

Hope 24/7 is a charity organization that offers psychotherapy services for all persons 12 years and older who have been impacted by relationship and sexual violence. Crisis hotline is open 24/7: 1-800-810-0180

Kids Help Phone Logo
Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is a 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone counselling, web counselling ,and referral service for children and youth. The service is completely anonymous and confidential. Whether by phone, mobile app, or through their websites, you can connect with them whenever you want, however you want.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Crisis Line

Individuals impacted by the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls are encouraged to contact the MMIWG Crisis Line toll-free at 1-844-413-6649

National Indian Residential School (IRS) Crisis Line

The National Indian Residential School (IRS) Crisis Line provides 24-hour crisis support to former Indian Residential School students and their families toll-free at 1-866-925-4419.

Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline is a non-profit dedicated to the wellbeing of transgender people. They run a 24/7 hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people. Trans Lifeline volunteers are ready to respond to whatever support needs members of our community might have.
