Palliative Care

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Bereavement Support

Bereavement programs provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information, and guidance for people who have recently lost a loved one. Included are counselling programs and mutual support groups for widows and widowers, children who have lost a parent, parents who have lost a child, and other people who are grieving.

Heart House Hospice

Heart House Hospice helps care for people with life limiting illnesses and their families living in the Brampton and Mississauga. Hospice counsellors, engagement coordinator, health and wellness coordinator, spiritual and bereavement team and volunteers offer care and support for you and your family in your own home.

Home and Community Care Support Services

Coordinate in-home and community-based care for patients. If you do not have a family doctor, please contact 310-2222; Toll Free: 1-888-733-1177

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In-home Hospice Palliative Care

In-home hospice palliative care supports for individuals with life-limiting illnesses and their families and caregivers. These services focus on relieving suffering and the enhancement of the quality of life for persons who are living with, or dying from, an advanced illness.

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Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)

If you are experiencing a lot of pain and suffering due to your medical situation, talk to your physician or nurse practitioner about options in relation to your medical condition or circumstances and your possible interest in MAID.

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Palliative Care Hospital Services

Your doctor or nurse practitioner (NP) can refer you to palliative care services at William Osler hospitals. They also accept referrals from doctors and NPs in the community, other hospitals, and long-term care homes.

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Respite Care

Provides caregivers with temporary rest options that may include substitute living arrangements in a supported environment or in-home care.

The Dorothy Ley Hospice

The Dorothy Ley Hospice was founded over 30 years ago to offer compassionate care to people living with a life limiting illness, their family and caregivers.
