Women's Health and Parenting

Abortion Services
Health centres or clinics providing women access to safe, legal pregnancy termination services such as prescribing, dispensing, or administering drugs. Note: Emergency contraceptive pills are also available from most pharmacies, and do not require a prescription.

This section lists services that offer information and support for breastfeeding mothers.

Child and Youth Community Health Programs
This section lists programs and services providing health care services to children and youth.

Children and Parenting
Services listed promote the health and well-being of parents and the children in their care; others focus on pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal care for expecting mothers or for those welcoming an adoptive child into their lives.

Fertility Services
Fertility services provide diagnostic and treatment services for people unable to conceive children, or who require fertility preservation.

Ontario Breast Screening Program
A province-wide program that provides breast cancer screening for Ontario women. The program recommends screening for most women ages 50 to 74, and for women ages 30 to 69 who are confirmed to be at high risk of getting breast cancer.

Postpartum Depression (PPD)
Postpartum depression (PPD) is a severe form of depression that affects new mothers usually within a year after the birth of their baby.

Roots Community Services
Roots Community Services Inc. provides culturally-sensitive and culturally-enriching programs to the Black, African and Caribbean communities in the Region of Peel. Programs are geared toward children aged 6 years to seniors.
Families & Caregivers
In this section, you can find information, support, and resources for families and caregivers.

Sexual And Reproductive Health Services
Sexual health services specialize in sexual and reproductive health and can include birth control, pregnancy tests and counselling, sexual health education, sexuality counselling and support, as well as the prevention of, detection, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections.