What is an Ontario Health Team?

The Ontario government is building a connected health care system centered around patients, families and caregivers, called Ontario Health Teams (OHT). OHTs organize and deliver services in local communities. They provide people with better connected, integrated and more convenient care. The goal is to ensure that everyone in Ontario can benefit from better coordinated, more […]

Updated Central West OHT Endorsement process

The OHT Collaboration Council has revisited the OHT endorsement process to create a more efficient, streamlined process. The endorsement process is used when an organization, provider or group of organizations and/or providers would like to seek support for a proposal, project, or initiative in the form of a letter on behalf of the Central West […]

Local partners submit full Ontario Health Team application showcasing innovative, integrated health care model for community

November 11, 2019, BRAMPTON/ETOBICOKE – Local health providers – 186 groups/individuals in total – have united to submit a full application for a ‘Brampton/Etobicoke and Area’ Ontario Health Team (OHT) to the Ontario government. The application details how the partners will work together to significantly enhance patient care, enable greater access to family physicians and specialists, […]
