What is NLOT
NLOT (Nurse Practitioner-Led Outreach Team) is a specialized team of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) who provide remote and on-site support to LTCH. The NPs assess the health care needs of residents, provide timely treatment in the home to potentially avoid unnecessary trips to an emergency department, optimize care, and enhance cross-sectoral collaboration/integration.
NLOT March Schedule

NLOT April Schedule

NLOT May Schedule

NLOT Phone Tree

OH Central Region NLOT/NPSTAT Mandate:
Provide time-sensitive assessments in LTCHs to avert preventable ED transfers and hospital admissions, reduce hospital length of stay, and facilitate sustainable discharges.
Build care capacity in LTC among frontline staff and clinicians.
Improve direct access to ambulatory services without an ED admission, through innovative models and partnerships.
Dear Care partners,
The fall-winter season is upon us, and to help support navigation throughout this season (the first without masking in many years), your NLOT is putting a few resources at your fingertips.
Guidelines and Testing:
COVID and Flu Vaccination Resources:
How to Reach CW IPAC Hub:
COVID Treatment in Long Term Care:
Access to antiviral treatments for COVID-19 in the community
**Please make note that Paxlovid can now be crushed**
NLOT Created to support LTC nursing staff:
Pre-emptive planning insights for Clinical Care
- Virtual Behavioral Medicine Program
- VBM aims to support management of neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS)/responsive behaviors and prevent unnecessary admissions to specialized behavioral units, as well as ED visits, and operates in collaboration with the existing care team and Behavior Supports Ontario
- Virtual Behavioral Medicine Referral Form
- Choosing Wisely Canada: Feeding Tubes for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
- Behavioural Supports Ontario
- BSO: Virtual Education Delivery: 40+ Tips & Strategies
- The Neuro-behavioural Team
- GeriMedRisk
- GeriMedRisk is a non-profit clinical and education service that connects Ontario clinicians with geriatric specialists to optimize medications, physical and mental health conditions in older adults. LTC homes may easily submit a consult. (Tip: Consult needs to be requested by MD or NP, with resident or POA consent. Please send 2 months of med sheets, DOS if available, as well as contact for LTC BSO nurse.)
- Ontario Palliative Care Network & Ontario Palliative Care Network Toolkit
- Advance Care Planning Canada, LTC specific tools and education
- Advance Care Planning – Resources & Tools
- Sustaining a Palliative Approach to Care – Ontario Centres for Learning, Research, and Innovation in Long-Term Care (clri-ltc.ca)
- Communication at End-of-Life Education Fund – Ontario Centres for Learning, Research, and Innovation in Long-Term Care (clri-ltc.ca)
- Early Identification & Prognositic Indicator
- Palliative Care Consultation – Acclaim Health
- Pallium: Palliative care ECHO, resources, LEAP training
- Strengthening a Palliative approach in LTC: resources, learning, community of practice
- POET (Prevention of Error-based Transfers)
- Alignment between Ontario’s Palliative Care Standard and the PoET Project
- Fracture Prevention and (Fracture Risk Scale)
- LTC Fracture Prevention Order Set
- LTC Fracture Prevention Guideline
- Fracture Prevention Toolkit
- Sean Mullins ([email protected]) with Amgen Canada supports all LTCs in CW catchment and provides free FRS education for staff and clinicians.
Central West IPAC Hub
The IPAC Hub is available to support your LTC homes for IPAC questions, education, community of practice and assessments. Contact CW IPAC Hub at [email protected]
Educational PPTs:
- Continuous Bladder Irrigation
- CVAD Management
- Enteral Feeding
- Foley, Suprapubic Catheter & Nephrostomy tube care and management
- Infection Assessment and management
- Nursing Management of Diabetes in LTC
- Ostomy Care
- Wound Care Management
- Nursing Assessment- GI & GU
- Peripheral IV therapy Management in LTC
- Blood Sampling in Adults
- Enteral Feeding
- Enteral feeds Positioning
- Oxygen Therapy and Nursing Management
- Post-Fall Nursing Assessment & Management
Useful Links:
- Covid critical care
- William Osler Health System
- Home and Community Care Support Services Central West
- Regional Geriatric Program of Toronto
- Provincial Geriatric Leadership Ontario
- Advantage Ontario
- Choosing Wisely Canada: Long-Term Care Recommendations
- Guide: Choosing Wisely in Long-Term Care
- Ontario CLRI Specialized Educator Certificate in LTC
- Humber River Learn & Earn Accelerated Program
By Request:
CPAP & BIPAP: Proresp has available information on what is CPAP, referral forms, and education on use. Reach out at: